Saturday, November 01, 2008

Montana Gun Exec Supports Obama

I like my guns. I think we should all have them if we choose to. I belong to the NRA, I get 2 or 3 e-mails and phone call or two a day begging me to vote for McCain. I have been telling people that the 2nd Amendment is a very important issue to me. However, it is not the biggest issue in this presidential race. The economy, the war, the rampant violation of civil (and human) rights, and the pushing of Christianity by the GOP....those are bigger issues to me. I will be voting for Obama on Tuesday. I expect Obama to be anti-gun, but THAT is where the NRA needs to responsibly spend their resources....educate people that the 2nd Amendment is worded simply enough that it doesn't require interpretation. Dan Cooper, founder of Cooper Firearms obviously can see that firearms aren't the biggest issue...he's supporting Obama. Of course a bunch of shortsighted rednecks threw a fit, and he stepped down to protect his employees.