Thursday, February 21, 2008

If I can't sing it, it's not music

I attended a New Year's party this year that seemed to feature one song over and over. This song stains my memory so badly that I shall always remember it, sort of like a person getting herpes, it's there for life. For some reason I realized that I didn't know any of the words other than YUUUUUU and OHHHHHH, which is what the song mostly is. So, I looked them up. Here they are: Soulja Boy - Crank That. After carefully reading through them, I still don't understand it. Can someone please pull a Bill Maher and translate it for me?

Monday, February 18, 2008

One line responses to Christians

Freethoughtpedia has a nice page to give you some One line responses to theists. Among some of the responses:

Without God there is no morality.

"Are we talking about the God that ordered Moses to kill babies and asked people to set animals on fire because he liked the smell?"

"According to the bible, God killed over 2.2 million people, Satan killed 10. By the way the 2.2 million doesn't even count the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc., with which the good book is filled."

"Are you saying that unless you're threatened with eternal suffering, you won't have a reason not to rape your neighbor?"

"Without religion good people would act good and evil people evil, but for a good man to act evil you need religion"